Abstract submission is now open for the 2025 IAVCEI Scientific Assembly. We would like to encourage everyone working on glaciovolcanism, in any shape or form, to consider joining and contributing to our Volcano-Ice session in Geneva next summer.
We look forward to seeing everyone!
VIIC leadership: Iestyn, Linda, and Tryggvi
IAVCEI Scientific Assembly information and abstract submission can be found here: https://sa2025.iavceivolcano.org/
Session details:
Theme 3: Volcanic processes
Volcano-ice interactions on Earth and Beyond
Interactions between volcanoes and ice occur in several ways, with implications for our understanding of volcanoes, the cryosphere, and associated hazards. Volcanic/geothermal activity can alter glacier dimensions, dynamics and hydrology, which can in turn trigger floods and lahars. Glaciers and associated meltwater can also impact volcanic processes, either directly via lava-water interactions and by controlling the distribution of erupted material, or by adjusting volcanic system loads. As such, glaciovolcanic deposits provide valuable insight into the past environment at volcanic regions across the globe. Despite their significance, interactions between volcanoes and ice are often hard to observe and remain poorly understood. In this session (organized by the IAVCEI/IACS commission on Volcano-Ice Interaction) we invite contributions focused on volcano-ice interactions and their implications in all forms. This includes insights from field observations, remote sensing, experiments, and modelling.
Abstract submission: https://on-line-form.eu/iavcei2025sa/abstracts/
Closing of abstract submission – 20th December 2024